Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Weston lapping up Icecream...

The other day we were across the street talking to the Carricks after Brooklyn's dance recital. Apparently Weston dropped his icecream cone on the ground, this didn't stop him from eating it. We look over and he's lapping the icecream up from the cement like a dog!! This is such a Weston thing to do! Very disgusting, but I had to capture this gross memory with a picture before I told him to stop licking off the ground.


Kelly said...

That's pretty funny! It's nice when you think to grab the camera when something like that happens. Because all too often we don't and wish we had.

Natasha said...

OHMYGOSH! That is the funniest thing I have ever seen. I'm SO GLAD you grabbed your camera. It is perfect. Such a boy thing. Thanks for sharing.