Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bear Lake Trip...

Last weekend we were up at Bear Lake for a marathon I ran. My family from California came up as well and my sisters and their families from Idaho. We had a great time! It turned into a little vacation. We stayed at the Garden City KOA, which I love!! We stayed there last summer with some friends, and it's the perfect place for kids.

Finishing the marathon was the BEST feeling ever!! I never thought in a million years I would ever do one. I've been running for a few years, and have really become addicted to it. It's nice to have found a hobby that I really enjoy and love doing. Running is a great stress reliever for me, and it just feels good! Training for this race was fun and hard at the same time, and very time consuming! I am looking forward to have a break from all the training. Rich has been so supportive of me doing this, he's been so helpful with watching the kids during my long Saturday runs. Sometimes, I felt selfish taking so much time doing something just for me, but he always made me feel like I deserved it. He's a great husband.

On the bus ride up to the start line of the race, I met a older man probably in his seventies. He had told me that he had a ran a marathon the day before this one. I couldn't believe it! Where does he get the energy? That absolutely amazes me!! This man seemed so happy and full of life, I really admire him. I hope I can have his good attitude and good health when I get old.

Rich and my family were able to follow me around in the car during parts of the race. One part of the race Weston came out running to me to give me a hug. It was pretty sweet. Brooklyn would yell out the window "Your a good runner mommy!". Crossing the finishing line and seeing my whole family there cheering me on was a great moment and very emotional! Knowing that they were all there just for me what a neat feeling. I have a great family!

Below are a couple of slide shows from our trip.... My brother in law Nate took some these pictures, he always takes good pictures. You can really see the pain and anguish in my face during parts of the run!


The Webb Family said...

You are my hero. That is a great accomplishment! Check out my blog. I've tagged you. Take care.

bigmacs said...


You are awesome! I don't think I could ever do that. Sounds like a really fun weekend with your family. Let us know on the Scott blog when you are running again, we will come cheer you on.

By the way, do you know if we could put e-mail addresses on the Scott blog like you did with the family blog link?


Anonymous said...

Teri, That is amazing. Let us know when you run again. If we are close it would be fun to come.

Stinsonian said...

I can't believe you! A marathon?? Wow... way to go! I want to know what your secret is. How do you find the energy??

Natasha said...

Wow, Teri! You should be so incredibly proud of yourself. I felt so touched reading your post and then I actually started to cry watching your slide shows. Some of those photos are so amazing. You totally inspire me! Your little family is so precious!

Merri Hackett said...

WAY TO GO TERI!!! I was wondering how your marathon went! I absolutely agree w/ you on the time it takes to train and how supportive your family has to be! You're so lucky to have such a supportive family! I'm training for a marathon in September...we'll see if I can do it. But really way to go it's a HUGE accomplishment!