Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Our Anniversary...

I have to apologize ahead of time to whoever reads this post, Rich is working his first 7:00pm-7:00am shift at the hospital and I'm missing him. I am in a sappy mood! I am dreading having to climb into bed alone tonight. We will usually watch Everyone loves Raymond in the evenings together, it's our favorite show. I tried watching it tonight and I'd start to laugh and then I look around and I'm by myself!

Our 6 year anniversary was last Saturday. It feels like we've been married longer than that. These past 6 years have been wonderful. Rich is my best friend and I feel lucky to be his wife. He's a good dad, our kids adore him. He's always been very involved with our kids, he doesn't just sit back and let me change all the dirty diapers he's always felt it's his responsibility as a dad to help out as much as he can. One of the first things that attracted me to Rich was his ability to work hard. He's works hard at everything he does, he gives everything 100 percent. This year Rich decided he wanted to change careers and go into the medical field. We both thought we were done with the school phase in our life after he got his degree. I was looking forward to going on more family vacations and not always having to eat off the dollar menu at Wendys! It was probably a year after he graduated, he realized that he wasn't happy working in construction. Rich does love to see buildings go up and realize that he had a part in it. He just worried about the stability of his job and he didn't see himself moving up in his field like he thought he would. It took a huge leap of faith for us to make this move. It's a scary thing to make such a big change, but it feels right. I hope our kids can realize how special their dad is, that's he's sacrificing his time with them now so they can have a better life in the years ahead.

Our past anniversary's we don't usually go all out and spend too much money on each other. Most of our marriage he's been in school, so all are money went to tuition and books. Without fail, every year Rich would write a a coupon for a 1 hour massage given by himself. He knows that my favorite thing. I always know I'll get a massage on our anniversary, valentines, mothers day and my birthday. We are a very cheap couple! I would always cook Rich his favorite meal, which isn't hard to do. Meat and potatoes and chocolate cake. I assumed this anniversary would be the same as our past ones. Instead Rich cheated and spent money and got me a running skirt, running shirt and some shoes. I thought it was very sweet he went shopping for me. But I was also a little bothered he spent money. Then he proudly told me he got all three of those gifts for 20 dollars at Target. He was very proud of himself for getting such good deals, and that he got me a gift. I love my gift, but I would have been just as happy with his homemade coupon for a massage!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day at Thanksgiving Gardens...

We had a fun day at the gardens at Thanksgiving Point. It's $2.00 every Tuesday in August to get in. Next Tuesday I want to take the kids to the Dinosaur museum, Weston would love it. Me and some of my friends all met up this morning and went together. The little walk through the gardens was hard with Weston, he wanted to just run around and play, it was hard to keep him walking on the path. Once we got to the water fountains and play area it was easier to sit back and let them have fun.

Nice bum Weston!
I wish this was my backyard!

Fish Pond

Monday, August 18, 2008

Brooklyn's fascination with the number 16...

It all started last Christmas, we were opening presents up on Christmas day. Brooklyn was opening a Christmas card from Rich's grandparents. While she was opening it up, she says, "I hope it's 16 dollars!". It was a pretty random thing to say, we thought it was pretty cute. Then in March she started to get birthday cards from relatives, I would give her the birthday cards and she said the same thing... I hope it's 16 dollars!! Rich would always tease her and say, would you rather have a million dollars or 16 dollars? She would always say: 16 dollars! Rich had a birthday last April, she did the same thing. She would say, "Dad I hope you get 16 dollars for your birthday!" The other day I was in the car with the kids, I asked Brooklyn to practice counting to 20 for me. She said, "I want to count to 16. Then when we were on the way home from from temple square last week, she kept asking me when she could get married. I kept telling her when she got older and when she grew tall like me. She said, "Ok, I'll get married when I'm 16!". I dont think so!! The past few days, she keeps telling me she's getting married at 16. Should I be worried??

Friday, August 15, 2008

Visit with Joette!

My friend Joette was in town visiting from Washington, we met up in Salt Lake for lunch. I met Joette when I was single and living in Provo. She was my visiting teacher, and that's how we got to know eachother. We later ended up being roommates until I met Rich and got married. Joette is probably the funniest person I know, she has a great sense of humor and if very witty! She makes me laugh. I've always joked with her that when we are old and gray and if we out live our husbands that we can be roommates again!

We took the kids to the "Child of God exhibit" at the church museum. My kids loved it. Then Joette had to leave to meet up with another friend that she was visiting, so me and the kids walked around temple square and watched the brides come out. Brooklyn calls the brides "princesses". I was talking to Brooklyn about the temple, and telling her that this is where she'll get married someday. She said "But I'm too little to get married?". I told her that once she gets tall like me then she'll get married. On the way home she kept telling me "I cant wait to grow tall so I can get married in the temple!". Weston kept copying everything Brooklyn said, and Brooklyn kept telling Weston that boys cant go in the temple, only girls. Then it turned into this huge fight! Even though they were fighting, it was pretty cute.

Brooklyn and Weston taking care of the babies at the nursery...
Weston learning about the scriptures...

Weston trying to break into the temple, Brooklyn is holding him back.

Dressing up like sheppard's...

Coloring stained glass pictures...

Blake playing with blocks...

Weston building a temple with the blocks...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Provo Canyon Half Marathon

Saturday morning Rich and I left our house at 4:00am to be at the Provo Canyon Half Marathon. It's hard for me to sleep the night before a run because I worry about sleeping in, or missing the bus, or having a bad run day! I think I probably slept 3 hours that night! Despite the lack of sleep, I really enjoyed this race. It's probably my favorite run I've done. Most of the course was downhill, the weather was perfect too! My mom was in town visiting all week, so she was able to stay home with my kids during the run! That helped out a lot! After the race Rich and I hurried home, because me and my mom wanted to surprise my niece Emma at her birthday party. My niece lives in Idaho and my sister was having a birthday party at a waterpark in Pocatello at noon. So, I hurried and showered then we all got in the car and drove to Idaho. (My mom drove, I was exhausted!) My kids have been to this waterpark before, it's a really fun place. My niece and my sisters were surprised to see us. It was a long day! But a fun one! When we got home on Saturday night from Idaho, I slept like a baby!

Weston likes to pretend he's an alligator when he swims.
My sister Caroline and Blake.
Brooklyn having a good time!
Floating down the lazy river... I could have floated on that tube all day, it was relaxing!
Blake munching on a cookie...

Monday, August 04, 2008

Breaking Dawn release party!!!

My friend Joy had a party to celebrate the release of Stephanie Meyers book Breaking Dawn. I am not a avid reader, but all my friends were telling me I had to read these books!! When they told me it was about a girl that falls in love with a vampire I was seriously like, you've got to be kidding me!! Who wants to read books about a vampire! I decided to give it try, if all of my friends loved these books then why wouldn't I? So, I started with Twilight I loved it!! Then moved on to New Moon, and then Eclipse. It was a nice change to read in the evenings then to watch some late night show on t.v. I really enjoyed it! So, Joy had this party last Friday night because the 4th book just came out. I was excited to just get out of the house! Joy goes all out when she throws parties! I was in fondue heaven!! We played trivia games from the books, then we just all talked and ate. Afterwards, my friends Lesa and Shellee wanted to go to Smiths at midnight so they could buy "Breaking Dawn". I decided to tag along for the ride, because I wasn't ready to go home yet! We get there and there is a line starting to form. I think we all felt a little ridiculous waiting in the line! But they got their books! I figure half of our neighborhood is going to buy the book, I'll just borrow the book when someone gets done!

Fondue Table...
Punch table...
We are showing off our bracelets that Joy made for all of her guests. They are super cute!