Sunday, June 28, 2009


This is my 5th year going up to Snowbird to stay at Rich's grandparents timeshare. It's so pretty up there and my kids love it. Here are some pictures of our stay there...

Brooklyn has no fear in the water, she was always diving and flipping off the pool.
Weston loves to swim, but if he was offered a cupcake he would gladly take a break from swimming.
It's really funny to watch him devour a cupcake, he really takes his time eating it.
Here he is gently licking the cream out of the hostess cupcake.
After a long day of swimming we would go upstairs and we would hang out with Grandpa and Grandma Stowe after a long day of playing. Grandma Stowe always insists on doing the meals during the week, she enjoys cooking for everyone. She's a pretty good cook too, I always gain a few pounds during the week of snowbird.
Blake is out!
Blake takes after his brother, he would sit here in this chair all day if I kept the snacks coming.
Brooklyn is the opposite, she wont come out of the water unless she needs to use the bathroom. She's a fish!
Almost 7 years ago Rich asked me to marry him at this look a point. We hiked up there in the rain and he said he just wanted me to show me the view. When we got up there he put his camera on a timer so we could take a picture of the both of us. Then he ran over to me and got down on one knee and proposed. Just as I said yes the the camera took the picture. It was a sweet proposal and I love that I have a picture of that moment.
I wanted to take the kids up to where this look at point was, I told Brooklyn that this is where daddy asked mommy to marry him. She then said "Didn't your white dress get all dirty?" It was fun to go on a little hike with the kids, but I don't think they fully appreciate nature yet. Brooklyn kept saying "This is kinda beautiful, but I rather be swimming".

Rich's cousin just adopted this baby two months ago. They named her Zoey. She's is the prettiest baby!! She seriously looks like a baby doll.

Rich wasn't able to spend too much time with us. He was able to come up for dinner a couple of nights, then he had to work the night shift at the hospital.
Brooklyn and her cousin Hanna.

Here is the view from the balcony...

They have a really fun park there...


Amy said...

We love Snowbird. How fun that you can spend some time up there with family just enjoying each other. For me there's nothing better than family and nature together!

Nate, Holly, Parker, Joshua, Ethan and Grace said...

man, i want to go there. looks like you guys had a great time. love all the new pix.

Kelly said...

Looks like fun! I wanna go!

Sarah said...

hi teri! your kids are adorable. brooklyn looks just like you and weston like rich. it seems like jana says rich is going into nursing- right? it's been a long road for us. i hope rich's road is shorter!

we are moving. brian got accepted to a graduate program in portland for nursing anesthesia. we are really excited/nervous!

glad to have your blog- i never noticed it on jana's list. or maybe i tried it once and it was private? i can't remember. either way i like it. sorry my comment is a novel.

Carrick family said...

It looked like sooo much fun! Glad you guys got to get away and have fun!! Cute pictures!