Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Brooklyn and Mom's running Day!

Brooklyn ran her first 1 mile kids run on Monday! She did so great! I'm glad she likes to run, maybe I'll have a running budding when she gets older.
Me and Rich took Brooklyn out for a few practice runs the week before the race, she took it very seriously. She even ran on my treadmill once, she has her own playlist on my ipod with her favorite tunes. She runs to The Little Mermaid music.
I love this picture of Brooklyn with her braids flying through the air.
Weston meeting me at the finish line to give me a hug.
Rich took this picture of me during the last couple miles of the race. It was a really pretty run, we ran on trail that was surrounded by farmland. I met this girl the last hour of the race. I can't remember her name, but we talked for a while. Talking to her distracted me from how bad my inner-thighs were hurting. I've worn this running skirt at home when I do small runs, it's never bothered me. But I've never worn it for 13 miles, big mistake!!! My inner-thighs were bleeding and completely raw during the last 5 miles. I was secretly hoping that a pushy runner would come knock me down and injure me so I could stop running, or maybe a dog or snake would jump out and and bite me! I was seriously thinking those things, so I would be forced to stop the race. Anyways... I did finally make it the finish line and my family was there waiting for me. That was the best part.

Brooklyn was so excited to get a medal!
On our way home... long morning for all of us. We woke up at 4:00 in the morning so we could be out of the house by 4:45.

Rich took a little video of Brookyn's race, he was pushing the boys in the jogger stroller.


The Poulsen Family said...

YEAH! Good for you and Brooklyn! I want to get Sally into a 1 miler I think she would really enjoy it! I can understand why Bleeker puts deodorant on his inner thighs before he goes running on Juno :)

Anonymous said...

You are amazing and we are super proud of Brooklyn. What a great event to bring mom and daughter closer! Your better than me Brooklyn great Job!

Amy said...

Way to go Teri!!! I love that Brooklyn ran her first race. I am looking forward to having my kids enjoy the thrill of running a race.

Nate, Holly, Parker, Joshua, Ethan and Grace said...

i was wishing i was there and actually went through with the whole thing. but then i realized i cant run. so i sat back on the couch and ate some icd cream. lol.
good job. tell brooklyn good job too

Strate Family said...

This is fantastic! I love that picture of Brooklyn with her hair bouncing in the wind too.

And - sorry about your legs Teri, I've felt that pain before...

Caroline said...

hahahah u guys are just too cute. shes following in your footsteps ahahah literally hahaha!!

Eddie said...

Wow, you're supermom!

Joy said...

What race did you run? Looks like it was fun. I'm excited to start running again, we'll have to go together! Maybe Brooklyn will inspire Annie a little bit!