Saturday, December 13, 2008

Day 1 in Peru

Brooklyn wants Rich to bring home this cute monkey

Weston likes the baby alligator
Amazon River
Weston thinks this snake is "awesome!"

Rich got accepted this spring to a medical internship to Iquitos, Peru. He is working under his professor Dr. Rollings. He will be working in a hospital in Iquitos for most of the time, and in a clinic in the Amazon Jungle for two days. Rich is excited to gain some medical experience and see what they will allow him to do over there. We are hoping this experience will help us get accepted into a P.A program. Rich emailed me today and said he felt quite at home here, it reminds him a lot of the Phillipenes. Tomorrow he will go to church and then meet with Dr. Rollings and the other students to talk about their schedules for the week. From what Rich has told me so far he will be working 20 hour days, so he'll be very busy!
He comes on on the 22nd, I hope the kids are good this week!


Nate, Holly, Parker, Joshua, Ethan and Grace said...

What cool picture teri! he looks just like weston in them. What a unforgetable expierence!

Carrick family said...

Wow, that is such a good experience for him!! It looks awesome! Lucky guy! Be sure to call me if you need help! I am right at your next door!

Amy said...

Teri- I just found your invite to see your blog. I am so excited. I had no idea Rich was in Peru! How exciting for him, and I'm sure busy for you. I hope all is going well. Cute family photos!

Kelly said...

Wow, pretty neat pictures. I can't believe you've got some already. He must have access to a computer. What a neat experience for him.