Tuesday, May 01, 2012

My growing belly

I have very few pictures of me pregnant with any of my kids, and there is a good reason for that. I am very self conscience of gaining weight when I'm pregnant. Call me vein but I feel very unattractive. With Brooklyn I gained so much weight. I wasn't smart with eating or exercising during her pregnancy. I thought being pregnant gave me a excuse to eat twice as much as I should and I didn't exercise at all.   I promised myself I wouldn't let myself get that big again, it wasn't good for the baby or myself. My weight gain has been better with my other pregnancies(I still feel like I get big though), I try to run as long as I can until it's uncomfortable and try to eat healthier.
 With this being my last baby I'm feeling a little more sentimental and I don't want to forget what a miracle it is to carry child. Closing this chapter of my life of having babies is a little sad for me, but I feel like our family will be complete after this baby is born. So excited for September to get here!
8 weeks
Felt terrible here!
Pregnancy was still a secret.  Felt bloated and my clothes were already getting tight.

12 weeks
Nausea is gone! I'm losing my waist line, maternity clothes don't fit but either to my regular clothes. Awkward stage!

16 weeks!
Getting some energy back, and starting to pop out a little more.

20 weeks!
Half way there!
I started feeling the baby move around 18 weeks, I LOVE this part of the pregnancy.
Boy or Girl?  We don't know! We'll wait until this baby makes it's appearance in September. 


Caroline said...

I am soo glad you posted something. I like to read it and compare to my life. You look so thin, but have the cutest pregnant belly ever. How is it that you have a cute belly at 8 weeks! Is because you have had kids before? Cannot wait to see you soon!

Amy said...

You're half way already and I'm just finding out!!! You look fantastic!

Joe and Liz said...

Congrats Teri. I didn't know you were pregnant. You look great! I hope you're feeling good too!

Natasha said...

I LOVE this post! So happy you are documenting this amazing journey. Thanks for sharing.

Carrick family said...

Teri!!! You look so amazing!!! Still skinny arms and legs!! you look so good!! I can't wait to find out what you are having!