Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

We had a nice Thanksgiving this year. We started off the morning with the kids doing the Turkey Trek run. They have been practicing on my tredmill for two weeks.  I love how when Weston runs he watches his shadow off to the side, he likes to see how fast he is going. I'm surprised he didn't run into anyone because he doesn't look ahead of himself. After the race, I finished making my part of the meal for Thanksgiving and we headed over to Lisa and Theron's for Thanksgiving. They always throw great parties. 

Antoinette invited the Elders to join us. She loves these boys. I think this must have been their 4th meal in the day, because all they ate was pie. 
Played some games on their xbox. Had a little dance off too:)


Sarah said...

Our kids ran a little turkey race too! It was COLD.

So Brian just applied to a place in Farmington New Mexico. Do you like New Mexico? I have no idea what to even picture New Mexico being like, so I thought I'd ask how you feel about it. I know that is probably not close to where you are, but it's the same state!

Anonymous said...

Fun and U know the food was delicious! Cant wait til' next month Im on a serious countdown!!!