Thursday, December 02, 2010

Ready for Christmas

The tree is up and we're ready for Christmas! I love this time of year. Everyone seems to be happier, except for the man I saw at Costco yesterday. He was pretty grumpy, I felt bad for him. I love Christmas music, my radio station is set permanently on a Christmas station for all of December. I enjoy using Santa as a leverage when my kids fight during this month. Anytime they fight all I have to say is "Santa wont come to our house if you act this way" (very powerful words to a kid), their attitudes instantly change when I say those words. It's wonderful. I love going to church in December, singing Christmas songs as a congregation and hearing Christmas messages is something I look forward to. It helps me remember why we celebrate this season and to not get caught up in the hustle and bustle that Christmas can bring. Here are a few pictures of the kids helping with the tree. They were actually pretty helpful this year, no major fights or melt downs about who got to put what on the tree. Samantha is not crawling yet, thank goodness. I hope she stays planted on the ground until Christmas is over:)

And we're DONE!


Strate Family said...

I am so glad I get to look at this. Every time I start missing you and the kids it makes me smile!

PS What happen to the music on your blog? I used to turn it on when I was doing my house work and just let it play through your songs!

Carrick family said...

Your kids are so cute in last picture. Look at Weston smiling little too seriously! Samantha!!! She is not a little baby!! She is so cute!! Sure miss you guys!