Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I had a ultrasound today and our baby is measuring exactly at 28 weeks! Our baby has SUA(Single Umbilical Artery). Which means that our baby's cord has 1 artery instead of 3 arteries like most babies. With there being 1 artery it can sometimes make it hard for the baby to get nourished. I go in for routine ultrasounds to check the growth of the baby. I am feeling more reassured that the baby will be just fine, my doctor is confident that the baby will keep on growing and so am I. I talked to my Dr also about inducing me so Rich can be here for the birth. So we are planning on being induced during Rich's spring break on April 2nd. I've never been induced, I like going into labor on my own but if we did that Rich would probably miss the birth. So I'm glad he's willing to induce me 10 days early. After the baby is born, me and the kids will move to New Mexico with Rich.In the meantime, I'm trying to enjoy my last few of months here in Saratoga Springs, even though it's not fun keeping my home ALWAYS clean for showings. I will miss our home and our neighbors here. Rich is loving school. He emailed me today and he did AWESOME on his first anatomy test. We skype at night together, he looks exhausted. I wouldn't have thought that studying would make him that tired, but he looks beat! 10 more weeks and we'll all be under the same roof again, but who's counting:)

Today has been a good day, I have a lot to be grateful for. And I'm loving that the sun is out:) Can't wait for spring to get here!


Kelly said...

Yay! Such good news! You deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Tell Rich hello from an old friend - Tyler Hall. Looks like he's done well, as he deserved.

Natasha said...

Oh, Teri, I have been thinking of you so much! I am so glad you have such a positive attitude. I'm glad Rich is doing so well in school, and mostly I'm glad that you have a date when you will be together again. We'll keep praying for your baby and for your house to sell! Keep us posted!

Stinsonian said...

You are one tough woman. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. :)

Anonymous said...

Everyday I love ya more and more you are so amazing!