Monday, July 21, 2008

Weston is at it again...

Here is Weston again licking up his popsicle from the ground! I don't know what to do about it! He was literally slurping up the otterpop juice off the cement, he is so disgusting! It probably doesn't help that I keep taking pictures of him doing this, I would never encourage this kind of behavior! Maybe, at the end of the summer I'll make a scrapbook page of all the times I've caught him doing this! I could really use these pictures to embarrass him someday!


Natasha said...

Ok I LOVE that he does this. It is such a boy thing and it is just fine! I'm just glad you're able to grab your camera in time.

Carrick family said...

Hey, that is so funny about Weston. He is a boy so he doesn't care if he gets dirty or eat food from the floor. Funny boy!

Katie said...

Too funny. Love the scrapbook page idea. I don't think I've ever seen a kid do that... so gross and so funny at the same time. How could you not take a picture?

Katie said...

Hey, got your comment... it actually wasn't a great place to take kids. You sit on a steep hill next to a road so it's hard for crawlers, unsteady walkers, and parents chasing kids. AND the steep hill is steep right into the water. Between the road, water, and kids falling I was a nervous wreck the whole time. I would suggest Vivian Park up Provo Canyon. We've gone there before and there is tons of grass and a playground. Way more kid friendly. Although, I don't know how great the fishing is... I'll ask my dad and let you know.