Sunday, April 17, 2011

Playing at the park

This was a fun evening at the park. My kids think bringing our dinner to the park is the coolest thing ever. They love it when we switch the normal routine for dinner.  I love watching them play, it's a nice break from the house and being surrounded by all of the messes that my kids make. It's not always easy to just walk away from a messy house and take a break from all of it.  But when I have days like this at the park with my family it makes coming home to a mess seem totally worth it.

Samantha is giving the camera some crazy eyes in this last picture, it's kinda funny:)


Nate, Holly, Parker, Joshua, Ethan and Grace said...

Teri- you look so good! I love all the new pictures! The kids are sure getting big. Especially Blake!

Anonymous said...

thats what life is about is those moments you create a memory and forget about the dishes or the laundry because it will always be there when you come home.