Sunday, March 27, 2011

White Coat Ceremony

We hit a huge stepping stone in Rich's schooling on Friday night, he finished the didactic part of his P.A program, which means he is DONE with school and finals forever! He has 1 year of rotations starting next month then he is expected to graduate April 2012. We've been told that the 1st year of P.A school is brutal, I think that's an understatement . It's  been such a fast pace program and these students are cramming so much information into their heads and a lot is expected from them. It hasn't been an easy year for us, but it made this  ceremony even more special because he had to work so hard to get to this point. I'm so proud of him.

 Taking the Oath
His Class
 Rich and Geoff.
 Rich and Cam
 Rich and Jen
 Rich and Aaron...these two probably spent more time together then me and Rich have this past year. They did most of their studying together. 
 Rich and Steffanie.
Steffanie also did a lot of studying with Rich this past year, she's so nice and really smart.
Oh, and she's standing on step, she's really not 6 ft tall:)
 Rich and Dan.
This video is super short, the memory on my camera was full so it only let me shoot about 10 seconds. 


Joe and Liz said...

Congrats to both of's hard being the wife of a husband in graduate school!! That is so exciting!

Amy said...

WoHoo!!! So excited for you guys. I'm sure all that hard work makes it even sweeter.

Anonymous said...

YIPPEE!!! I am SO happy for you both!!! What a LONG road it's been for you guys and the light at the end of the tunnel is SO close (Rich it's not a train either!) :) Congrats Rich!!!

Jessi Miller said...

That is so awesome for both of you guys! Tell him congrats for me! I hope this means you get to have your hubby back, a little more than you've had in the past!

Lesa said...

RICH ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You both make me proud, such hard workers... CELEBRATE~

Aimee said...

We're so happy for you both. You deserve all the best.

Kelly said...

Congrats Rich! That's so awesome. That's a huge accomplishment! On to the next phase.

Carrick family said...

Way to go Rich!!! Wow, only one more year left to finish!! I am happy for you guys!

Natasha said...

Wow! Congrats! We are so proud of both of you. Such an amazing accomplishment. The next year will be a breeze! I just read about Brooklyn's diagnosis. I called Jeff to tell him. It sounds like you are adjusting well, but good luck. We will be thinking of you!

Nate, Holly, Parker, Joshua, Ethan and Grace said...

congrats rich! good work.

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to see him graduate next april we will for sure be there!