Monday, May 09, 2011

Mother's Day weekend

On Saturday we went to our first JDRF(Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) event. They provided lunch for everyone, following lunch a drug rep talked to us about the Omni Insulin Pump, it's sounds like a cool little pump. Brooklyn is going to be trying out some pumps next month, so it was good to get some information about this one. After lunch everyone bowled and I forced myself to get out of my comfort zone and mingle with some of the moms and talk to them about what pumps they've liked for their kids. It was really helpful to talk with other parents who know exactly what it's like to have a diabetic child. Brooklyn was a little shy to talk with the other kids, but I think it was good for her to see all the other kids that deal with type 1 diabetes each day like she does.
When we got done with bowling, it was really hot outside. We went home and the kids played in the water to cool off. Sunday morning, my family brought me breakfast in bed, and gave me their presents. I loved all the homemade cards, my new crockpot, workout clothes and some chocolate covered strawberries. My sweet neighbor brought me over some flowers, and another friend made me a CD with some fun music on it. After church,  Brooklyn and Weston gave me a foot rub. Brooklyn told me as she was rubbing my feet... " Mom I want to be just like you, I like your hair, your make-up, your clothes, but I DONT want your feet!". It was pretty funny. I don't blame her, I do have some pretty ugly feet. After the foot rub, Rich made everyone dinner. He doesn't enjoy being in the kitchen, but I like watching him scramble in the kitchen trying to find where everything is. After dinner, me and the kids had a little wrestling match and then they went to bed. After that, Rich and I watched "24" on Netflix with our chocolate covered strawberries.  I had a great Mother's Day! 


Amy said...

It was warm? How nice. It will probably get warm here some time. I hope. Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

Caroline said...

HAHAH brooklyn is so funny!
I am in LOVE with the show 24.
Sounds like a great day!