Thursday, August 27, 2009

School girl

Brooklyn started school today. There has been a lot of build up to this day, she's been talking about it for probably over a year now. We started off the morning with pancake and eggs, and off to school we went. She really wishes she could ride a bus to school, but instead she had to settle with her mom walking her to school. (Hopefully she wont ever think it's un-cool to walk with her mom). I dropped her off at the school playground and waited for her teacher to come before leaving her. When her teacher came and called her class in, Brooklyn ran and snatched her backpack from me and ran into the class line. She didn't even give me a hug or a goodbye! So I might have embarrassed her by sneaking in a hug before she left with her class, but I needed it. My little is girl is in school now, I'm really excited for her but sad that she's growing up so fast.

We took a few pictures this morning...

She insisted on doing this pose so we could get her barbie backpack in the picture...

Poor Weston felt a little out of the lime light this morning, he asked for his picture to be taken too. So here is Weston, he feels pretty important being the oldest kid at home while Brooklyn is away at school.


Kelly said...

Brooklyn knows how to ham it up for the camera. She looks so cute! Glad she had a good day.

Nate, Holly, Parker, Joshua, Ethan and Grace said...

she looked so cute.

Caroline said...

her hair is so cute!

Laurenlee said...

Oh how they grow!I'm mean my lil Caroline is leaving off to college pretty darn soon.. Crazy i know!

Anonymous said...

everyday she gets cuter and cuter and looking more beautiful like her mamma, hope you handled the day okay! Call me sometime would love to chat.

Joy said...

Having your firstborn start school is so bittersweet! Time will just FLY past from now on. She looks so pretty on her first day of school.

Mark and Jana said...

I can't believe she is old enough to be in school. I remember when she was born!!! Crazy how time flies.

Merri Hackett said...

Wow look at her long hair! She's such a cute girl!