Friday, August 15, 2008

Visit with Joette!

My friend Joette was in town visiting from Washington, we met up in Salt Lake for lunch. I met Joette when I was single and living in Provo. She was my visiting teacher, and that's how we got to know eachother. We later ended up being roommates until I met Rich and got married. Joette is probably the funniest person I know, she has a great sense of humor and if very witty! She makes me laugh. I've always joked with her that when we are old and gray and if we out live our husbands that we can be roommates again!

We took the kids to the "Child of God exhibit" at the church museum. My kids loved it. Then Joette had to leave to meet up with another friend that she was visiting, so me and the kids walked around temple square and watched the brides come out. Brooklyn calls the brides "princesses". I was talking to Brooklyn about the temple, and telling her that this is where she'll get married someday. She said "But I'm too little to get married?". I told her that once she gets tall like me then she'll get married. On the way home she kept telling me "I cant wait to grow tall so I can get married in the temple!". Weston kept copying everything Brooklyn said, and Brooklyn kept telling Weston that boys cant go in the temple, only girls. Then it turned into this huge fight! Even though they were fighting, it was pretty cute.

Brooklyn and Weston taking care of the babies at the nursery...
Weston learning about the scriptures...

Weston trying to break into the temple, Brooklyn is holding him back.

Dressing up like sheppard's...

Coloring stained glass pictures...

Blake playing with blocks...

Weston building a temple with the blocks...


Joe and Liz said...

That's cute Weston thought boys couldn't be married in the temple!! I love it! That museum is really neat. We've been there a couple of times and my girls have loved it!

Unknown said...

Hey great picture... I'm so glad we ran into each other again!! That was such a blessing for me! haha. It was so good to see you!

Kelly said...

That place looks like fun. I'll have to take my kids sometime when we come for a visit.