My niece Katelyn and Blake... Brooklyn and Blake cuddling on the couch. Weston would rather play with his trucks then hold the baby! Rich with all the kids, I cant believe we have 3 kids!!
Weston did not want to be in our first family picture with Blake! Brooklyn was thrilled to hold the new baby, Weston was more excited to get free snacks and drinks from the snack room at the hospital! That's all that Weston thinks about is FOOD! Blake's first vistors.... Trisha and Makell Rich is excited to have two boys close in age, they are going to have lots of fun together. Minutes after Blake was born, he's looking right at the camera! Blake weighed 8 pds 4 oz, 20 inches long. My labor went great, I went into labor the night of Jan 2, he was born on Jan 3rd at 1:30 in the morning. He came out in one push!